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Transform Pets’ Lives. And Your Own.

Join the Instinct Team

At Instinct, everything we do is rooted in our shared purpose: empowering people to transform the lives of pets. It’s why we set out on this journey to change the pet food industry through raw. It’s why most of us joined the team. We are here to challenge the status quo and to present the case for getting back to what’s real. Join our passionate, dedicated team today!

Health Benefits
Full Health, Dental
& Life Insurance
401k with Competitive
Company Match
Flexible Work Environment
Flexible Work Environment,
with 11.5 Company Paid
Holidays Including Paid
Time Off for Volunteering
Bring your pet to work
Bring Your Pet to
Work, Plus Pet
Food Reimbursement
Tuition Reimbursement
Tuition Reimbursement
for Career Growth and


We are Raw Champions

Know it: Be a Raw Expert
Live it: Feed Raw
Spread it: Crusade for Raw & Our Purpose

We are Difference Makers

Take ownership & be the solution
Embrace and drive change
Grow from well-intended failures

We are One Team

Learn, be curious, and teach others
Own it together
Value each other

We Strive for Excellence

Insist on the highest standards
Continuously improve; never stand still
Be better every day for ourselves, each other, & pet parents

Our Company

Our Instinct is to Champion Diversity

At Instinct, we are as passionate about our people as we are about the pets we call family. We are committed to inclusion, empowerment, and respect. We believe that just like our pets, what sets us apart unleashes our greatest strengths. We thrive on the ability to not only empower people to transform the lives of pets through raw nutrition, but also to empower each other to inspire a culture that celebrates our differences. Our unique approach to pet food is what makes us who we are as a company, and our individual identities are what makes us a successful, innovative, authentic team.

Pet Sustainability Coalition

Pet Sustainability Coalition Member

In 2020, Instinct proudly became a member of the Pet Sustainability Coalition (PSC) that drives positive impact for the environments and communities where we do business.

Learn more about Pet Sustainability Coalition

Your Instincts Say… Apply

Tap the job openings below to join our Instinct team.

Interested in learning more about working with Instinct?

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